IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
IVF treatment Laboratory methods hero-image Laboratory methods hero-image
IVF treatment

Laboratory methods

The success of IVF varies from couple to couple and depends on many factors, such as age or genetics. IVF is not always successful on the first try. To avoid disappointment, some of the following methods will help increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Laboratory methods and genetics

Single card thumbnail - ICSI


ICSI is the injection of sperm directly into an egg. This significantly increases the chance of fertilisation.

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Single card thumbnail - EmbryoScope


We can increase the chances of pregnancy by selecting only the best quality embryos for transfer. We can identify these through continuous monitoring in EmbryoScope.

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Single card thumbnail - PESA/MESA/TESE


In the absence of live sperm in the ejaculate, there is the possibility of obtaining sperm surgically from the epididymis (PESA or MESA) or testis (TESE).

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Single card thumbnail - EmbryoGen / BlastGen

EmbryoGen / BlastGen

EmbryoGen and BlastGen are sequential culture media meticulously engineered to closely emulate the natural developmental progression of embryos.

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Single card thumbnail - Assisted hatching

Assisted hatching

This method is used to disrupt the protective envelope (outer shell) of the embryo in order to make it easier to implant (nest) in the uterus.

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Single card thumbnail - PGT


Testing the genetic makeup of embryos before transfer to the uterus reduces the risk of birth defects.

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Single card thumbnail - EmbryoGlue®


A medium enriched with hyaluronan that promotes embryo implantation in the patient's uterus. This method demonstrably increases the chances of pregnancy by up to 7%.

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Single card thumbnail - Vitrification


A method of rapidly freezing embryos or eggs that prevents the formation of ice crystals and thereby cell damage. This increases the chances of successful thawing.

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Single card thumbnail - Microfluidic sperm sorting chips

Microfluidic sperm sorting chips

The best quality sperm are selected naturally using this method. Active passage through a micro-barrier separates healthy sperm from poor quality sperm.

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Single card thumbnail - Visualisation of the mitotic spindle

Visualisation of the mitotic spindle

This method allows the right timing of fertilisation of the egg and accurate location of the mitotic spindle to avoid damage to it.

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Single card thumbnail - Halosperm


Halosperm allows quick and easy sperm DNA fragmentation tests. Healthy sperm are key to successful IVF treatment.

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